Tuesday, 31 March 2009
If you have questions about assignments...
Monday, 30 March 2009
Assignment Debate
Thursday 9 April 2009 at 10:00 am
The assignment
The MDP group will hold a debate. For this debate, the group is divided in two teams. One team will present a case in favor of a five-day working week for the Centara Hotels & Resorts group. The other team will present a case in favor of a six-day working week. The objective of the debate is to convince the other team to accept your idea. The objective of the assignment, from the MDP point of view, is to practice communication and negotiation skills and to demonstrate managerial behaviors. The debate must last at least one hour.
Rules for the debate:
1. Every individual team member must contribute to the debate so everybody must present some parts. No one is allowed to be quiet throughout the debate
2. Each team must present their arguments by applying the personal and technical presentation skills, as well as the communication tools and techniques, of the MDP Communication Module
3. Both teams are not allowed to compromise on the issue. For example, the teams are not allowed to agree on a 5 ½ day working week. Because there will be no compromise and no solution, there may not be a conclusion in this debate. The debate will be ended by the coaches if
a) One of the teams agrees to accept the proposal of the other team. However, this means the team has lost the debate because it was not able to convince the other team
b) Once both teams have discussed all arguments for a 5 or a 6 days working week and once the teams begin to repeat the same arguments. In other words, once the teams start talking in circles
c) If the debate is not ended after three hours
Tips for preparing the debate
1. Do research on the meaning of the words that are printed in red so you will fully understand the assignment.
2. Really think about the subject and use common sense, before starting your preparations.
3. Do research on the issue to find realistic and reasonable arguments to use in the debate.
4. A debate is a negation in which you must convince the other team. To do this you must you must use negotiations techniques. A key word in negotiations is benefits
5. Think of the strategy that you will use during the debate
6. To win a debate you must understand and apply the difference between facts and fiction. However, in a good debate you will use also emotions to convince the other team. Think about it like a court room where lawyers try to convince the jury that their client is innocent. In this debate you are the lawyer.
7. Read the MDP notes again to refresh your memory on Communication
8. The debate is a team assignment; you cannot win alone!
Tips for preparing presentation materials
PowerPoint may not be the perfect tool for a debate. It can be used to present parts of the information but you must understand the difference between a Presentation and a Debate. However, you will need presentation materials that will be used as evidence and support your arguments. So, you need to think about other, more appropriate, communication tools for a debate. Perhaps you may also need Props like in the theater.
Evaluation of the debate
There are two different evaluations for this debate:
1. Team evaluation: The debate is evaluated on the personal and technical presentation skills of the team, the communication techniques, the quality of the arguments and the end result of the debate. The coaches will announce which team is the “winner” of the debate.
2. Individual evaluation: Each individual member is evaluated on the personal and technical presentation skills, and his or her communication techniques. Each member is also evaluated on the participation during the debate (the managerial behavior). Finally each member is evaluated if he or she was a real team player. The coaches will give each member a score for the assignment
The teams
Team 1: Pong, Cherry, Pat, Siew, Ked : This team supports a six-day working week
Team 2: Biw, Eye, Dee, Kwang : This team support a five-day working week
Last words...
Well, that's it! Good luck and I will see you this week. Let me know if we can meet on Saturday for coaching so you have enough time to prepare. Think about the planning of an assignment, as we discussed last week. All the best, Jeroen
Sunday, 8 March 2009
MDP assignment 002
Research and study on the theory for next week’s module
Updates the MDP logbook with the theory of this week’s module
next week’s assignment
1: Participants will use the tools they developed in class session to keep a detailed record of their time usage during the on-the-floor training. Participants will record all the negative factors (interruptions) each time they occur. Participants will prepare to discuss why their time is not efficiently use? What solution is there to create more time and/or to minimize their interruption.
2: Participant will interview one CHR manager (not advisor) with the objective of establishing the personal views of the manager’s time management techniques. Participants will prepare to discuss the differences between their own time management system and that of the manager.
At the end of the module, the coach will review the assignment, as well as the participation and contribution of each participant during the module and will issue the evaluation score.
date assignment: 9 March 2009
deadline: 16 March 2009
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
MDP assignment 001
Research and study on the theory for next week’s module
Updates the MDP logbook
Prepare a professional business folder for MDP documents
next week’s assignment
You identify the departmental goals in your training area, either by collecting evidence (written goals) or by interviewing the area manager. You will present your opinion about the goals and analyze if the goals are SMART. Participants who work in the same area may complete the assignment as a team. At the end of the day, the coach will review your presentation and participation during the session, and will issue the evaluation score.
date assignment: 4 March 2009
deadline: 9 March 2009
Monday, 2 March 2009
MDP coaching
Every participant will be assigned to an individual Centara manager. This "advisor" will be the mentor of the participant throughout the program. Advisors are very important, as they take a pro-active role in the development of their advisee. Advisors will typically meet every week for about 30 minutes with their advisee. It is extremely important that advisors support the teaching method of the MDP: The MDP does not teach the participants how to manage but creates an environment for participants to develop their own management style.
Guidelines for advisors
Don’t tell the answers, but show the way to find answers
Don’t teach your style, but coach your advisee towards his own style
Don’t make a decision, but support your advisee in making his own decision
Make sure your advisee clearly communicates issues
Send your advisee back if the communication is not clear
Guide your advisee to find information and research on the issue
Ask your advisee for possible options on how the issue can be addressed
Coach your advisee on making the right decision
Guidelines for participants
Be clear about what you want to discuss with your advisor
Prepare all information on the case you want to discuss with your advisor
Don’t give your advisor a problem without giving him solutions
Present options on possible solutions for the case.
Analyze the pros and cons of each option before you talk with your advisor
Don’t expect your advisor to give answers; you must think for yourself
Don’t expect your advisor to make a decision for you
Learn for the experiences of your advisor, but make your own decisions
MDP learning cycles
Prior to the Monday class sessions, participants find and analyze relevant information on an assigned management technique, by applying Self-Access Learning techniques
Step 2: Learning management techniques
Every Monday afternoon participants present their research to the group. Trainers use the presentations to discuss the management technique. The management technique is then linked to a case study and can practice the management technique in a supervised environment before using the techniques on-the-floor
Step 3: Practicing management techniques
During the on-the-floor training, the participant will observe how managers apply the management technique in real life. Then they complete an assignment on-the-floor, and can test and practice the management technique. Trainers will observe and evaluate the participants.
Step 4: Technical skills
Every Saturday morning participants will attend technical skills training, conducted by CHR management and RSU faculty. These sessions support management training program with technical skills.
Step 5: Evaluation and conclusion
Every Monday morning the progress, challenges and performances of the participants during the last week are discussed and evaluated in the group.
MDP learning methods
In Self-Access Learning, participants search, analyze and process information by themselves. They don't receive books or hand-outs. Self-Access Learning teaches participants where to find what information when needed. This teaches participants to deal with constant new information throughout their lives. When finding the information themselves it gives them "ownership". When discussing the information, they practice communication- and negotiations skills. When analyzing the information, they learn to think. And when using the information, their decisions are based on facts, rather than on emotions.
2. Problem Based Learning
Problem Based Learning (PBL) stimulates behavior change by working on real case studies. PBL combines a curriculum and a process. The curriculum offers cases that demand the participants to find the information, develop problem solving skills, and learn how to work with others. The process replicates the real-life challenges that managers face in their daily life and career.
In PBL participants work on real-life cases. They make a plan of how to deal with the case and find out what additional information is needed. Supported by all information and facts, participants then make a decision on how to address the case. In PBL, nobody can afford not to contribute, because one depend on the other.
3. Real time management
In the 6th month, participants are send to CHR properties throughout country for a one-month Real Time Management module. RTM is the ultimate “learning by doing”. In RTM, participants receive an assignment from the RTM hotel. The assignment is to address an existing problem, challenge or apportunity in the organization. Participants, in the role of management consultant, analyze the case, identify possible solutions and finally propose a decision to management.
The participant gets hands-on management experience because he must gain the trust, support and assistance from local staff in an unfamiliar environment. he or she must apply managerial skills for this assignment and RTM is therefore one of the the most important parts of the program. It is the ultimate chance to test managerial attitudes and behaviors.
Note: During RTM management and coaches monitor the performance and provide a “safety net” to ensure that the participant cannot cause damage to the hotel.
MDP objectives
The program is based on the belief that MDP participants can only be successful managers if they have managerial attitudes and behaviors. The training strongly focuses on behavioral changes. The curriculum concentrates on communication techniques, managerial thinking, problem solving, human resources management and project management. The program is furthermore based on the belief that MDP participants can only be successful managers if they have excellent professional skills and advanced job expertise. The practical modules, to learn technical skills, are taught on-the-floor during the placement in the hotel.